Friday, July 13, 2012

Art Therapy for Broads Abroad : A Pearl Necklace of 4 Letter Words

:: And if I say to you that I am glad of everything we have done together, and sorry that we will not be here together in forty years, laughing at a faded photo of you impersonating a lion, it having withered well, you less so, as we stand fabulously old, in a city that understands what spirit it takes to be old, to be beautiful, to be much looked at, to be itself, to be never quite caught, to have a past, to be content, to have seen much, to have remained, to have continued…::
- Jeanette Winterson

My grandmother never left home without a strand of pearls and a tube of red lipstick!  I have to say, that on the days I'm not feeling too snappy, I use one or both of these items, instantly getting my groove on!  Add a few spicy words, and you have some voodoo that can send you over the edge of a joyful day!

There are some words in the world that simply seem perfect.  They fill every corner, like a black and white photograph : S N O W!  Strung together on a pearl necklace, there is nothing that can make a better statement about loving comfort! 

Here you will find a list of 4 letter words I love to roll around in my mouth:

a b l e : b a b u : c u r l : d e e r : e a s e : f e e l : g l u e : h e n s : i m p s : 
j y n x : k e y s : l u m p : m i l o : n o o k :o n c e : p i n g : q u a t : r a t h :
s n o w : t w i g : u r g e : v a l e : w i n k : y u r t : z o o t
Wouldn't they be just perfect floating inside the iridescent glow of a shell?

A Pearl Necklace of 4 Letter Words © News From A Broad, 2012

  • A pen and piece of paper
  • A dozen or so pearl beads - nice and chunky
  • A dozen or so 14' lengths of string - any kind that soothes you!
  • Rub on letters or a Sharpie, my favorite art tool.
  • Take a few moments to write a list of 4 letter words.
  • Use the rub on letters or Sharpie to write one letter on one pearl.
  • Find center of your string, and place the first knot.
  • Add a pearl, tie a knot, and continue until the strand has one word.
  • Repeat the above instructions until you have several strands of single words.
Added touches:
  • Tie the entire collection of strands, end-to-end, spacing the words
  • Are you seeing a relationship between your words & actions?
  • I totally L O V E you!
Create the life you want!
The Broad

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Anonymous said...

Really great exercise, may I share this with future art students?

The Broad said...

ALWAYS! Just remind them that a concept is a copyrighted item just as a work of art.

Anonymous said...

Will do!